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Rihanna - Really Easy Piano

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Cod produs: 9781783051243
Livrare: 1 Zile
Editura: Music Sales
Autor: Rihanna
ISBN / ISSN: 9781783051243
Limba: Engleză
Nationalitate Autor: străini
Numar Pagini: 40
Subgen: Muzica
Preț: 63 lei

Caravana Librăria muzicală
Librăria Porumbescu
Librăria Enescu (&Online)
Stoc epuizat


The Really Easy Piano: Rihanna songbook contains 15 of Rihanna's best known hits, all arranged for beginner Piano.

Songs include hits such as Te Amo, Umbrella, Take A Bow and many more. Take A Bow was Rihanna's third number one album on the Billboard Top 100. This song was included in Rihanna's set lists for her 4 arena tours between 2008-2013. This songbook also includes the lyrics so you can sing along as you play, or use them simply to help you follow the music.

  1. California King Bed
  2. Cheers (Drink To That)
  3. Disturbia
  4. Don't Stop The Music
  5. If I Never See Your Face Again
  6. Love The Way You Lie, Pt. Ii
  7. Princess Of China
  8. Russian Roulette
  9. Stay
  10. Take A Bow
  11. Take Care
  12. Te Amo
  13. Umbrella
  14. Unfaithful
  15. You Da One


Recenzia ta

Cele mai vizitate produse

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  • 40 de Colinde Romanesti pentru chitara solo
  • Solfegii. Dicteuri. Teste Concursul Naţional de Teoria Muzicii „Victor Ceaicovski“
  • Manual de Teorie, Solfegiu, Dicteu clasa a V-a Grafoart
  • Gradus ad parnassum
  • Tratat de teoria muzicii (set vol. I+II)
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