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Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major op. 77 • Brahms, Johannes

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Cod produs: 9790006526161
Editura: Barenreiter
Îngrijitor/ Traducător: Brahms, Brown, Clive (ed.), Johannes (aranjor)
Nationalitate Autor: străini
Preț: 120 lei

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Caravana Librăria muzicală
Librăria Enescu (&Online)

Adaugă în coș

- First scholarly critical edition of this standard work
- Insightful comments on performance practice
- An Urtext violin part and an additional violin part marked with fingering and bowing suggestions by Joseph Joachim
- Valuable cadenza brochure with cadenzas by Joachim, Halir , Heermann , Auer and Busoni


Johannes Brahms's violin concerto, written for his friend Joseph Joachim, has remained a standard in the concert literature since its first performance. No scholarly critical edition of this work has ever been published and therefore the many, sometimes conflicting, sources have never been evaluated for a critical performing edition. Not only Brahms's autograph score, solo part and autograph piano reduction but also his personal copies of the first edition score as well as the first edition orchestral parts have all been consulted. Clive Brown’s edition offers insights into the genesis of the composition and the working relationship between Brahms and Joachim. The critical commentary comments on all discrepancies in the sources and is available separately.

The critical edition of Brahms's own piano reduction is at the same time a performing edition and includes an informative introduction as well as comments on performance practice.

In addition the piano reduction includes a separate brochure with not only the well known Joachim cadenza but also those by J. Halir , H. Heermann , L. Auer and F. Busoni.

An informative preface (Ger / Eng) with references to performance practice is included in the edition.

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