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24 Capricci op. 1 / 24 Contradanze Inglesi for Violin solo

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Cod produs: 9790006540815
Editura: Barenreiter
Îngrijitor/ Traducător: Daniela (ed.), Daniela (pref.), Macchione
Nationalitate Autor: străini
Preț: 110 lei

Caravana Librăria muzicală
Librăria Porumbescu
Librăria Enescu (&Online)
Stoc epuizat
Paganini, Niccolò
24 Capricci op. 1 / 24 Contradanze Inglesi for Violin solo
Performance score, Anthology, Urtext edition

The 24 “Caprices” by Paganini form a coherent group of works which require the highest degree of technical expertise. Since their publication in 1817 the “Caprices” have remained the defining milestone of violin technique.

Bärenreiter’s scholarly-critical edition is based on the autograph and early prints from various European publishers. The original beaming and articulation have been maintained, thereby setting this new edition apart from the many publications of the last 200 years which incorporated changes and emendations by famous violin virtuosos.

In addition to the daunting “Caprices”, this is the first time that the 24 “Contradanze Inglesi” for solo violin have been published. These simple pieces are each 16 measures in length and exploit various techniques, thus providing a wonderful addition to the solo violin repertoire.

This edition offers a spacious layout allowing plenty of room to add personal fingering and bowing. A historical introduction in English and German discusses the genesis of the works and traces their influence on violin virtuosos. A source description and critical commentary round out this unique edition.

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