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Concerto for Violoncello and Orchestra in D minor • Lalo, Edouard

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Cod produs: 9790006531905
Editura: Barenreiter
Autor: Lalo
Îngrijitor/ Traducător: Hugh (ed.), Macdonald
Nationalitate Autor: străini
Preț: 105 lei

Librăria Porumbescu
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Librăria Enescu (&Online)

Adaugă în coș

Piano reduction, Urtext edition


The autograph score of Lalo’s much played concerto is lost; the only remaining sources are the first edition score and parts as well as the autograph piano reduction by Lalo . Hugh Macdonald, the highly acclaimed editor of French music, has discovered that Lalo’s piano reduction was used as a working score by Lalo himself. He continued to make alterations to the work in the reduction even after the work was officially published. These changes provide for many corrections in the solo part as we know it, but also call for some orchestral passages to be re-orchestrated to match up with Lalo’s final alterations.

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